This certification is an internationally recognized certification that shows a person has mastered the essential principles of innovation defined in the ISO 56002 standard, the ISPIM, and the IAOIP bodies of knowledge. The exam covers 8 ISO innovation management principles and some general knowledge.

What is in this exam…


Future-focused Leaders

Purposeful direction

Innovation Culture

Exploitable insights

Managing uncertainty

Agile management

Systemic view

About the exam

The exam is an open book exam with 90 minutes of closed questions and 30 minutes of open questions. A  passing score is 75 percent on the closed questions and satisfactory replies to all the open questions 


what’s included

  • a study program and access to the study materials 
  • a report in nine areas providing recommendations for future study 
  • and on successful completion a secure digital certificate demonstrating mastery of the iso innovation management standards and the essentials of innovation

What makes this certification unique...


It is the only innovation certification linked to the ISO, ISPIM, and the IAOIP standards


It’s recognized by more experts than any other innovation certification


We are the only certification that provides a FREE self-study option.

This video explains how the certification was built and how it can be used

Our certification in numbers



This exam and our training programs are part of our mission to coach/ train 1 million innovators by 2027



We have graduates from 24 countries


Articles /Video

The number of articles and videos in our free self-study program